Friday, January 27, 2017

Student Success Statement

“Enthusiasm makes the difference.”
-Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

The meaning of this quote is that when you show some joy and happiness, it’ll make the day great. Even at school, you can show others how motivated you are, you can succeed more. For example waking up with a good attitude , can make your whole day great. You can start finishing off the things that needs to be done.without enthusiasm it would be boring, just showing no motivation at all looks depressing. Having enthusiasm shows what kind of a person you are.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Student Success Statement

“I wasn’t trying to leave a legacy. I was trying
To do what was right.”
-Dean Smith

I think this quote means is that in order to achieve your goals, you got to do whats best you know meaning do the right thing. We have our special talents that we want to share, we want to show the whole world and by doing that is to have strength, believe you can achieve what your goals are. We have that ability to do that. Just remember, its your mind,body and spirit, go for it.
Medical Illustrator

Duties and Responsibilities: Is a professional artist with advanced education in both the life sciences and visual communication. They produce resources such as photography and graphic images for professionals involved in patient care, teaching, education and research.

Salary: $62,000

Education: in order to be a medical illustrator you must have a masters degree and a medical illustration graduate program typically two years long.

Demand or need for this profession: need a good portfolio of work examples of cleared, detail images.

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

I think i would like to be a medical illustrator because i think its very cool to make good detailed images, and who doesn’t like to draw. And the salary is pretty good so i think i would love to become one.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Student Success Statement

“ Of all the work that is done or that can be done for our country,
the greatest is that of the educating BODY, the MIND, and above
All the CHARACTER, giving spiritual and moral training to those
Who in a few years are themselves to decide the destinies
Of the nation.”
-Theodore Roosevelt

This quote means that our body, mind, and character can help solve problems or make things right, we are the future to change the world, that might be rules or creating something new, we have that power to do all of that with our body,mind, and character. We can success our dreams, we can have strength to fight for what we all want. Again we are the future, and the only way to reach them is to control our body and educate.

Medical Assistant

Duties and Responsibilities: Medical Assistants are allied health professional that supports the work of physicians and other health professionals, usually in a clinic. They work in different health care professional.

Salary: $30,170 per year

Education: Must graduate from 2-year associate degree program in medical assistance

Demand or Need for this profession: you need 4 years of experience
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

I think i would like to become a medical assistant because its really interesting to learn more about medical and helping patients, even friend or family. I would like to help and the salary is really good.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Student Success Statement

“Take responsibility
For YOUR OWN body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical,
mental, and spiritual well-being”
~Mr. C.S. Haymore

This quote means that we have three things we have body, mind and spirit. We have full control over it. We have our own responsibility to take care of it, we control our body, physical. Our mind, we get to decide and our spirit, show people what courage you have in you.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Student Success Statement

The Goal of true Education
“Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character,
that is the goal of true education.”
-Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.

The meaning of this quote that, showing only intelligence is not enough, you got to show more than that, show what type of character you are, what kind of person are you, that will build up more of your intelligence, showing what you got an lead you to your goals, showing what you have can grow your education meaning graduating high school and heading to college, the only way for a true education is intelligence plus character, because without them you wouldn’t have reached your dreams. Dream big, Go big

Duties and Responsibilities: Kinesiology is the scientific study of human or non-human body movement. They help individuals cope with physical injuries and also work to manage, rehabilitate, and prevent disorders that impede movement.

Salary: $47,978

Education: Physical education and athletic training. Bachelor’s degrees can take up to five years, master’s degrees generally take two years, doctorate degrees normally take four years.

Demand or need for this profession: Projected to grow 34% 2014-2024

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

The salary to make for a year sounds great, the job seems really good but i don’t think it will be a fit, the job is very interesting to help people with physical health. And it will be cool to help family or friends.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Student Success Statement

“We need the courage to START and CONTINUE what we should do, and the courage to STOP what we shouldn’t do.” - Richard L. Evans

This quote means that, when we’re planning for the good thing in the future we should always have the courage to start it, and when we start having the courage, things will get bigger and better but when the wrongs things come, we should have courage to stop it, control yourself and make the right decision, think how much doing bad can damage the future, theres no going back, stop when you know you’re doing something you’re not supposed to do and start building your courage

Winter Break

Winter Break

What i did on my winter break was video editing, like i always do. I’ve uploaded some videos on my youtube channel. I didn’t get to do very much i mostly watch TV or took a nap. Where i went during my break was mostly visiting my family, and saturday was a special day for my good friend, i went to his wedding and it was very nice, i had a good time dancing with everyone. I finally got to watch captain america civil war! Netflix finally put it up, i stayed up till 3 in the morning watching it while everyone was asleep, on christmas day i watched the soccer game at my tio’s house. I had to read a book that i had chosen its called The House on mango street and my HW well extra credit for my english class, was to do a book report so i did that, and thats mostly it, my winter break was alright i give it a 7/10 but it was nice to spend time with my family and friends :) Oh and some very special news i have received, theres a new member coming in the family well actually 2 one from my mom side and the other from my dad side.